Here you can find our latest blog posts and news.


12th Eyaf Expo 2022 Presentation of Handfizz

1st-4th December 2022 We took our place with our stand at this fair held in Istanbul Fair Center with our consultant Özcan Kalkan… Eyaf Expo…


Our Kosovo Visit

9 December 2022 We completed our mutual meetings in Kosovo with our advisor. We made an agreement in principle for cooperation and this cooperation still continues…


Wrist Strengthening Device Presentation at the Albanian University

Our teacher Özcan Kalkan was in Albania as a guest of the Albanian University. In this presentation, Robofizz exercise devices were presented to the students.…


Eliminating Obstacles

Our teacher Özcan Kalkan was invited as a speaker to the conference titled 'Eliminating Obstacles' by Mercan Rehabilitation in Karaman. We made our speech….


First Expo Healthcare Exhibition

Pullman Convention Center - We took our place with our stand at this fair held in August We unveiled Handfizz wrist strengthening device at Health…


Robofizz Özcan Kalkan Visited Kosovo

Our teacher Özcan Kalkan was in Kosovo on 18 December 2023 In our visit to Kosovo, Robofizz consultant Ozcan Kalkan, presented the wrist exercise device,…


We were in training for the use of our Robotic Exercise Devices at Serhat Rehabilitation Center / Doğu Beyazıt

Aiming to bring a different perspective to rehabilitation in their own region, Serhat Rehabilitation Center has now acquired our Handfizz (wrist), Footfizz (ankle), Kneefizz (hip…


We Were in Karaman for Our New Robotic Exercise Devices

Our partnership with Mercan rehabilitation center continues to develop as we receive satisfactory results in the cases we provide exercise support with our new robotic…

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